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Couva Wind and Solar


What is the point of twenty-twenty vision?

Many have it in hindsight, after the fact. Aint?

Is foresight better than hindsight?

Ask Molly-ki-Ma


Electrify with Couva Wind and Solar 

Partner with The NORM Group

A Multi-Vendor Integrator

Specializing in

Integrating Wind and Solar Energy

with Electric Transport,

Precision Agriculture, and

Electrifying Telehealth

A Thomas Verified Supplier


NORM Group logo   2k200702 Thomas badge   large


Trinbagonian Children, Youth, and Adults

staying at home,  self-isolating and Social Distancing 

now is your time to develop win-win solutions

What will electrify life? your life in particular?


"A penny for your thoughts"  to develop the new economy

Unlimited potential if only you think

Children, Youth, Adults, and everybody welcome

Let us Zoom-In on your thoughts

- food for your thoughts delivered free


You cannot stop your thoughts

even when self-isolated, isn't it?

Can you make money with your thoughts?


Why not invest your time, your energy and

your imagination into your thoughts

to produce something of value

that can be converted to cash


Put a value on your thoughts and

become an entrepreneur 😍 

The world is waiting at your fingertips


Aim for the stars ...

Let us trade 😍

Rainmakers wanted


"Imagination is more important than knowledge"

"...Those who can see the invisible

can do the impossible ..."

 Free  Video chat with Dr Jagam.

Click on Chat and submit your request now


Get the latest TT situation reports from CARPHA

 Support CARPHA Foundation NOW


"It is nice to be nice"

"Trinidad Nice Tobago Sweet"


Stop the COVID19 

by "Social distancing" and

"Self-Isolation" 😍

Self-Isolation includes wearing a mask, why?


COVID19 is not the Ordinary flu 

 More contagious and more deadly than flu

Social distancing and self-isolation

 Social Distancing

is important at this time


Help reduce the spread

More COVID19 info


Shop around Couva with Molly-ki-Ma

for Agricultural Technology,

for Electric Transportation,

for Off-grid Wind and Solar Energy,

for Telehealth support


 Self-isolation and Social Distancing are great

"If you fail to plan, you plan to fail"

Free Video chat with Dr Jagam

Click on Chat and submit your request.


EMPOWER              M POWER            M-Power

 Powered by Molly               Power of Molly           Power for Molly

 Electric           Electric         Off-grid

         Agri Tech               Transportation       Wind and Solar


Couva Wind and Solar 😄

Combine your electricity needs

for home and transportation

save big with

off-grid Wind & Solar power

 We can balance your off-grid power needs

for home and for EV transportation

and for agriculture

 Balance your budget, buy EV 


Off-grid? No worries

Couva Wind and Solar can help you


COVID-19 is a rapidly evolving situation.

Get the latest public health information from CDC
Get the latest research from NIH